ini foto detailnya The Best Black Bike Motodify Denpasar 2009

ini foto detailnya The Best Black Bike Motodify Denpasar 2009
For details of the front legs like discs, calipers, master drum brakes and no significant change is happening except the fork is now a single arm mengasup custom models. To the rear swing arm fixed leg combined with the alteration as that placed in the middle a la center monoshock. To adopt the rear disc caliper disc plus Ninja and Shogun master brake drum plus custom Sp. "The total construction of this motor takes three weeks with the workmanship of the most difficult on the installation of air suspension because they have tried several times to the same level of flexibility, hardness level," said the big tall guy is about the difficulty in assembling the bike.
Body changes that occur mostly using carbon materials. Just look at the front and rear spakbor a unique look bloated. While still using the original engine, motor privilege growing with the installation of exhaust custom chopper style. Neat variation on this bike include LED rear lights, custom LED sign, Footstep and custom handlebar, spontaneous gas Turbo chopper and mirror applications.