FINO saingan baru SCoopy..

FINO saingan baru SCoopy..

FINO saingan baru SCoopy..

FINO saingan baru SCoopy..

FINO saingan baru SCoopy..
Vocalist group 'Slank' Kaka, claiming absurdly pleased when he learned he was offered a unit of Yamaha Fino by PT Yamaha Motor Kencana Indonesia (YMKI).
Not without reason, given the automatic scooter (scooter) This retro is the only one issued by Yamaha not only in Indonesia but in the whole world.
"Due to this special edition Fino we also Dab Slank logo on the body. Maybe it's the only Yamaha Fino Slank in the world," I am General Manager of Promotion and Motor Sport YMKI, Bambang Asmarabudi when met at the Factory Yamaha, Bekasi, West Java, Wednesday (30/06/2010).
Meanwhile, when the veil of a special edition of the Yamaha Fino was opened, Kaka looks so happy to wait a long time without directly up the scooter and attention to every detail. "Seneng really, like a child who can present new," said Kaka.
He admitted during this indeed infatuated with retro-style scooter. "So when given this bike, let alone his Slank logo and know this is probably the only one in the world, clearly excited about," he added.
Kaka says this motor will always he used to walk everyday. "If I need to enter the mall parking lot in the lobby with my Harley," he concluded
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